All stories by HestaSaga.

What can happen when you try to break a horse’s will
Hekla had to experience it with eleven years

Mósi, my life-saver
With his report, an Icelandic farmer from the beginning of the 20th century memorialises his horse in gratitude.

On the move in a snowstorm
The story of Litfari takes place in the 19th century. At that time, people in Iceland travelled exclusively on horseback. Since there were hardly any paths and bridges to cross sometimes raging rivers at that time, the journeys were dangerous and people often had no choice but to rely on their horses’ sense of direction, especially when difficult weather conditions came along.

The unfortunate fate of Jarpskjóni
It can be taken from many writings from former times that the Icelanders were tough on their workhorses. Often, they dealt ruthlessly with them. The fact that sweeping judgements do not always meet reality is shown in the following report from 1889.

Stígandi frá Kolkuósi
Who does not remember Stígandi frá Kokuósi, one of Heidi Schwörer’s foundation stallions? He certainly is remembered as an exceptional stallion for his extraordinary breeding qualities and his beautiful offspring. It is relatively unknown that Stígandi was not always seen in this light.

A language talented Icelandic Sheepdog in Copenhagen
With HestaSaga there are always surprises: Today we have a story from a special Iceland dog for you!
An Icelandic Sheepdog who travels with his owner from Reykjavík to Copenhagen in 1870 and experiences an adventure there – and his owner a surprise!

Horses open children’s souls
Visit at the Icelandic horse farm Wiedischenland in Germany

SMILLA, the dog that disappeared
When I first met Smilla, she was an adorable little puppy that I fell in love with immediately. Her owner, a blacksmith, had her tied

How to catch horses
Gaining the trust of a horse often puts patience to a hard test. A young woman struggles with her imported stallion until she is finally rewarded and realizes for herself what is really important to her.

„Red bag“ – Birth with a happy ending
Miniature Shetland Ponies often have a harder time coming into the world than their larger counterparts. Fortunately, it is not always as dramatic as for

Godi – The Rome Horse
ALLES ISI! A Life with Icelandic Horses by Carina Heller In the chapter “Godi, the Rome Horse” Carina describes how her mother, out of pity,

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, people’s attention was increasingly focused on the intelligence of animals. This was certainly

Whenever I see horses performing the most incredible things at horse shows, I think about how to teach them such things and where their limits

Skemmtileg lýsing á mjög sérstökum hesti og uppátækjum hans, sem hét nú bara Jarpur.